
0531-8228 6666
作者:紅寶電容 來源:本站原創 日期:2020-07-14 09:36 瀏覽


  Can super farad capacitors be used as batteries? In order to know the answer, first of all, we should know that farad capacitor belongs to electric double-layer capacitor. Its basic principle is to use the double-layer structure composed of activated carbon porous electrode and electrolyte to obtain super large capacity. A picture shows you the structural characteristics of supercapacitors, as shown in the following figure:



  Supercapacitors are similar to ordinary electrolytic capacitors. They have a positive electrode and a negative electrode. There is a layer of diaphragm between the two electrodes. The electrolyte is filled between the positive and negative electrodes. It can be seen that the porous electrode has more surface area to absorb the charge of the electrolyte, so the capacity can be large. The diaphragm is generally a fiber structure of electronic insulation material, and the electrolyte material is generally selected according to the lead out electrode material.


  Faraday capacitors can be used as batteries because they have the following advantages:

  1. 充電速度快,充電10秒~10分鐘可達到其額定容量的95%以上;

  The charging speed is fast, and it can reach more than 95% of its rated capacity in 10 seconds to 10 minutes;

  2. 循環使用壽命長,深度充放電循環使用次數可達1~50萬?危揮?“記憶效應”;

  The cycle life is long, and the cycle times of deep charge discharge can reach 10 ~ 500000? Danger? "Memory effect";


  High current discharge capacity, high energy conversion efficiency, small process loss, large current energy cycle efficiency ≥ 90%;


  High power density, up to 300W / kg ~ 5000W / kg, equivalent to 5 ~ 10 times of the battery;


  When using, it can be used as a normal battery.



  In the automotive field, super capacitor can be used as the starting power supply of the car, which has better performance than the traditional battery power supply; in the UPS UPS, the super capacitor can provide instantaneous power output as the backup power supply; as the laser pulse energy and other equipment energy storage energy.

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