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作者:紅寶電容 來源:http://m.angzen.cn 日期:2020-07-21 10:01 瀏覽


  With the continuous refinement of capacitor types, thin film capacitors have gradually replaced aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Different types of capacitors have different precautions when using. Next, let's follow Hongbao to see what key points need attention when using thin film capacitor!


  Pay attention to the operating ambient temperature. Due to the high operating temperature will lead to the intensification of electrochemical reaction of the film capacitor, affect the heat dissipation during self-healing, and lead to self-healing failure or short service life. Therefore, the installation of thin-film capacitor should avoid heat source, improve the cooling and ventilation environment.


  The rated voltage of the film capacitor must be in line with the local power grid voltage. For some power grids with high voltage or harmonics, due to the high-order harmonics, especially the third, fifth and seventh harmonics, the harm is also strong. In the configuration, measures should be taken to avoid and isolate them.



  The capacitor cabinet shall be equipped with reasonable protection device:


  Adjust the appropriate time delay and discharge time. The capacitor bank should be equipped with limited current and discharge device. Because the internal resistance of the film capacitor is small, the surge current may be as high as tens of thousands of ampere times. In order to prevent the newly put in capacitor from being discharged by the capacitor first put in at the side, the current limiting protection device should be set; in order to ensure the safety of operation and maintenance of the film capacitor, the discharge device must be set up;


  The switching procedure should follow the principle of first switching and then switching;


  In order to prevent frequent switching, the capacitor bank must reserve enough capacity as the base group.


  The above is the need to pay attention to the use of film capacitors, I hope to help you. Shandong Hongbao electronic professional sales of electronic capacitor components for many years, a complete range of capacitors, well-known brands, good stability, welcome to call for advice.

請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯(lián)系您!
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